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On Sunday, the Mules Wrestling Team celebrated their end of the year banquet and award ceremony. Wrestlers of all ages from six-year-old Paul Stacey to Wahkiakum High School Senior Ben Miles attended. Youth Coach Paul Johns handed out awards and congratulated all of the youth wrestlers on their great season. Johns was assisted this year by Crystal Davis who, he said, was “his best assistant coach ever.” Johns was also the middle school coach this year and introduced his wrestlers. Johns was recognized as the Sub-Regional Middle School Coa...
NOT BAD--I was expecting a wet weekend, but thankfully, we got a pretty nice couple of days, which is always a nice surprise. With one forecaster saying dry one day and wet the next and others saying showers off and on both days, it was nice to see that they were both wrong! In the last part of the week, they had even said no sun on one day, as the sun was streaming through my window, so hey, I was enjoying every bit of their incorrect forecast! Sunday night saw temperatures dive below freezing, which I hadn't heard was going to happen, but...
Judge Michael Sullivan February 28, 2011 State versus Jeffrey Lee Reiman: The defendant pled guilty to a charge of unlawful possession of a firearm and physical control of a vehicle while under the influence. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail; his drivers license was suspended for two years, and he was ordered to pay $500 Crime Victim Assessment, $230 court costs, $750 DUI fine, $100 DNA fee and the costs of his court appointed attorney. State versus Timothy Everett Gilbert: The defendant pled guilty to a possession of a controlled...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: February 28--12:14 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a Cathlamet woman who was very ill. 9:43 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a Puget Island woman who was incoherent. 12:17 p.m. A Cathlamet resident reported it appeared someone had burglarized a house; an officer investigated. 6:03 p.m. A South Welcome Slough Road resident reported someone appeared to have poached a deer. March 1--8:4...
Former Skamokawa resident Elizabeth Crownhart Vaughan, died February 15 from complications related to a recent stroke. She was 82. Better known as Sherry, Vaughan was born in Madison, Wis., to Jesse George and Hildegarde Wooll Crownhart. In 1946, she attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison and graduated with a degree in economics. She married Tom in 1951, and moved to Portland three years later. She served on numerous boards, including the Portland Opera, Oregon Symphony and Chamber Music Northwest and was the first woman to serve on...
Wahkiakum County commissioners addressed a variety of issues at their meeting Tuesday ranging from bridge work to legislative lobbying. A bridge maintenance crew from the Washington Department of Transportation will start work next week to repair the East Valley Road bridge over Wilson Creek. The bridge has been limited to one-lane traffic since inspectors discovered early this winter that the road deck is disintegrating. Public Works Director Pete Ringen sought assistance from WSDOT because, he said, their repair crews have expertise and equip...
Flowers are already starting to bloom at the Fairgrounds and its only March! Soon Fair time will be only a few short months away. Now’s the time to start putting your craft projects together that you would like to exhibit. If your garden areas can be worked up early, you will be able to plant vegetable seeds and have a beautiful crop of vegetables to bring to Fair. Think about what you would like to exhibit at the Wahkiakum County Fair this summer and make it happen! Start your projects now and you will have lots of items to exhibit! Can you at...
Sassy Chocolates had a vision for Cathlamet’s Main Street, and when Sinful Sweets heard about it, they wanted in too. The two businesses, each run by couples with school age children, decided to share space at 90 Main Street, when it became available recently. Janelle West and Sara Robinson are co-owners of Sassy Chocolates, and with their husbands, are opening a chocolate shop on Cathlamet’s Main Street. Like the candy shops in Long Beach, passers-by and customers will be able to see them making chocolates. When the women decided to open a sho...
Snowy roads kept students from visiting Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland on Kiwanis Day this February, but students at Wahkiakum district schools are in full swing with fund-raising efforts to help the children there. Junior Ashley Silva, Key Club president, is coordinating efforts with help from Angie Pugh, who brought the program to Wahkiakum schools last year, when her son, Bradlee Pugh was a senior, and Jeff Rooklidge, Key Club adviser, and about 20 students. The Key Club is a student affiliate of the Kiwanis Club of Cathlamet. T...
A consortium of community groups will present a public program on preventing youth suicide March 28 in Cathlamet. The program will be at 6 p.m. in the Julius A. Wendt Elementary School Multi-purpose Room. Sponsors are Wahkiakum Community Network, Wahkiakum County Health and Human Services and the Lower Columbia Chapter of Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). Three goals for the program are 1. To raise awareness of suicide risk factors; 2. Where to find help in Wahkiakum County; and 3. To increase the effectiveness of curr...
As the Wahkiakum County Historical Society (WCHS) volunteers catalog exhibit items into the computer database, there is a comparison of what the written record shows as well as what the current condition of the item is. We also evaluate what connection the item has to past and present residents of Wahkiakum County. Sometimes those searches come too late after the donator has already died. One such example is a hard-bound leather Bible with two generations of genealogy of the John Solomon and Eliza (Walker) Mosbarger family. The person who...
Members of the Town of Cathlamet town council and town planning commission held a joint meeting March 2 to work out differences in the proposed updates to the town zoning ordinance. The council has at least twice sent proposed updates back to the planners for more work. After the latest rejection, planners worked on the ordinance and invited the council to meet and go over the latest draft so that objections could be identified and resolved before the draft went to a regular council meeting for action. At the meeting, planners explained their...
Not so fast, Wahkiakum County commissioners said Tuesday about Assessor Bill Coon's hiring of extra clerical help to deal with demands on his department. Last week, Coons had informed the commissioners that he was going to bring in a clerical assistant on a contractual basis to help the office clear up errors on tax statements that were just mailed to taxpayers. Commissioners Lisa Marsyla and Dan Cothren were unhappy with the plan. They felt the person would be an employee, not a contracted worker, and only the board of commissioners can...
The Misty Rivers Irish wolfhounds will be marching in their 18th annual St. Patrick's Day sidewalk parade down Main Street in Cathlamet on March 17. The dogs and anyone wishing to join them will begin the March outside of the Bradley House at 10:15 a.m....
To The Eagle: The Eagle for February 24, 2011 front page story "Board offers plan to equalize" and the February 25, 2011 Daily News article "Puget Island taxes too high" both address a system that is broken and in need of reform. Checks and balances that are supposed to protect the tax payer are inadequate and those that do exist have been compromised by actions of persons in the County Assessor's office going back for several years. I remember the public statement by a former Assessor, that went something like "I will not fire the appraiser...
To The Eagle: I note with some trepidation that county commissioners Brady and Cothren have decided to become the "Poop Police" for Wahkiakum County, messing with the biosolid laws of the state of Washington. Brady claims that different universities have reached different conclusions about the safety of biosolids, but is unwilling to accept the consensus of science and industry, as the state has done. Cothren is willing to call the state's bluff, even though it could result in litigation costing Wahkiakum County (and by definition, that's you...
To The Eagle: To the drivers that take the shortcut from Glengate to Jacobson Road--Slow down! On Monday afternoon, February 28, one of you killed a much loved family pet. Next time, it could be a child. The few seconds you saved were not worth the pain you caused Spook's family. Mary Watkins Cathlamet...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Wahkiakum County Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on Thursday, March 24, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room on the 3rd floor of the Wahkiakum County Courthouse, 64 Main Street, Cathlamet, WA 98612. Agenda items are: · Shoreline Substantial Development/Con- ditional Use Permit No. 2011-2-3, NoaNet - Washington Rural Access Project - Installation of fiber optic line along SR-4 from Cowlitz County Line to Pacific County Line. Secretary Wahkiakum County...
Can you believe it? Three days with sunshine all in a row. What a treat. Daffodils are blooming like crazy, and trees are showing buds. Mother Nature is pretty impressive with her timing. News from Naselle: Its spring and time for a whole new set of sports which include the following for the coming week: Tuesday- baseball and fast pitch at home with Wahkiakum at 3 p.m. Don’t forget to attend one of the performances of the play “King Arthur’s Quest” presented to the community in association with Naselle School and the Missoula Childre...
Lower Columbia College is accepting scholarship applications through Friday, April 29 for the 2011-2012 academic year. LCC awards hundreds of scholarships every year, totaling about $250,000. The application instructions and online application, which covers all LCC scholarships, are online at As they complete the electronic application, the system will match students to scholarships, based on the information they enter and the scholarship criteria in the system. For more information, contact the LCC Foundation...