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The Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce held its annual crab and oyster feed last Saturday at the Norse Hall on Puget Island to raise funds for the Bald Eagle Festival and Fireworks Show. The three seatings were filled with enthusiastic diners, including Jay Rockford, below, left, who heated his oysters to his personal taste. Right, Mark Howie, left, and Duncan Cruickshank were happy to serve. Lower right, a happy raffle winner displays her winnings. Photos courtesy of Megan Blackb...
Burglaries along the SR 4 corridor seem to be on the rise, according to Wahkiakum County Sheriff Mark Howie. One night last week, the Hancock Forest Industries office was burglarized, a specially equipped wheelchair van was stolen from a Skamokawa parking lot, and a car temporarily left on KM was broken into and items stolen. “We’ve seen a spike in thefts and burglaries up and down our SR 4 corridor in the last three month period,” Howie said. “They seem to know what they want to hit. They kn...
Line Foreman Shane Pfenniger stopped by the Wahkiakum County PUD Board of Commissioners meeting to recount the two hour county wide power outage event that took place last week and explain how the crew responded. “The power went out at my house,” Pfenniger said. “Immediately I got text messages and phone calls from all the employees here. That indicated that it was a county wide outage. I called the crew in, we made our way to the substation and we called the dispatcher from BPA.” Normally, Pfen...
Commissioners of Wahkiakum County Port District No. 1 expressed great interest in River Mile 38 Brewery owners’ possible plans for expansion on port property at their meeting last Thursday. Rex Czuba, one of the new owners of the brewery, approached the board about their hopes to erect a second building closer to the river before going over a prepared analysis of the projected impact of the potential project. The brewery has become a favorite amongst local residents, and on a summer day v...
Wahkiakum County should begin preparing for the 2020 US Census, county officials were told Tuesday. US Bureau Partnership Specialist Lorraine Ralston introduced the county board of commissioners to the process and suggested the county form a local group called a "complete count committee" to support local efforts. Census data has important uses, she said, including becoming a deciding factor in funding appropriations ranging from Medicaid to highway construction. It is also used to redistrict the seats in the US House of Representatives. To opt...
To The Eagle: Howard Brawn’s recent opinion letter presents muddled insinuations that infanticide is about to become the new normal in New York because of its revised abortion statute. Nothing could be further from the truth, always the first casualty in the discussion about abortion and a woman’s right to autonomy regarding her reproductive choices. For women whose difficult pregnancy has become dangerously toxic or whose fetus’ heart has stopped beating, a late term abortion can preserve such a mother’s life. Other exigent circums...
To The Eagle: It is too bad the folks that drafted proposition 1639 did not include some form of “Opt Out” clause for those who live in rural areas and from time to time have immediate need for defense of family members or livestock from predators, both two and four-legged. A while ago my ex-wife saw a coyote in the yard trying to catch her pet chickens. Fortunately for all involved I heard the ruckus and ran around the house to see what was going on. There was my wife, who did not like having guns in the house, hanging out the window scr...
To The Eagle: JA Wendt PTO is looking for donations of seeds for our assistance with The Roots Project. We are in need of these varieties: Cucumber, tomato, bell peppers, peas, and green beans. These can be dropped off at 380 S 2nd Street, there will be a container out for them. Any questions, contact me at 360-795-1075. Thank you so much for your generosity to help our kids grow and eat more fresh vegetables. Thank you! Kristen Stebbins Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: Feeling a bit like crossing pens with some of our local more conservative readers/writers so after a several month hiatus here goes. I challenge each one to read, or re-read, Grapes of Wrath. Written in 1939 this book is as timely today as it was 80 years ago when it first was published, earning Steinbeck the Pulitzer for literature. Of course the times are different, the characters are different along with the technology but the human tragedy is just as current today as it was yesteryear. There are so many things going really...
After reviewing a self assessment during a special session, the Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors moved into their regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Debbie McClain, a special education teacher at the school since 1981, gave an overview of the program as it is now, and how it has changed over the years. “Special ed funding is based on 13.5 percent of your special ed student population,” McClain said. “WSD is at 19 percent. Anything above the 13.5 percent is not funded by the sta...
Members of the Cathlamet Town Council addressed a variety of issues when they met Tuesday. --The council voted 4-0 to contract with John Morgan and his Morgan CPS consulting firm to develop a long-term strategic plan. Councilor Jean Burnham commented that the $20,000 price seemed expensive. Colleagues Sue Cameron and Laurel Waller countered that the planning would give the council and staff a basis for making decisions. "I think it will be much more integral to getting us to the future we want," Waller said. --Councilors and members of the...
Debra Lawson, owner of Angel Wings Pet Sanctuary on Puget Island, has petitioned to have animals seized by the Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office on February 4 returned to her. Lawson is asking for the return of 12 dogs, 23 cats, four roosters, eight chickens, two horses, and 12 -15 goats, citing RCW 16.52.085(4), which states “The agency having custody of the animal may euthanize the animal or may find a responsible person to adopt the animal not less than fifteen business days after the animal...
• Senator withdraws bill exempting legislature from public disclosure of some records OLYMPIA (Feb. 19) A proposal to provide exemptions to the Public Records Act for the Legislature is dead, according to bill sponsor, Jamie Pederson, D-Seattle. Senate Bill 5784 drew fire from media representatives at a public hearing last week. At a press conference Tuesday, Democratic leaders from both the house and the senate indicated that because of the outcry against the proposal, they would not move forward with a public records bill this session. The S...
By Madeline Coats WNPA Olympia News Bureau OLYMPIA (Jan. 30, 2019) OLYMPIA — Lawmakers are pushing for a bill to allow year-round observation of daylight saving time in the state of Washington, with the intention of the practice spreading throughout the country. House Bill 1196 was co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 14 representatives and introduced by Rep. Marcus Riccelli, D-Spokane. “I want to ditch the switch,” said Riccelli at a public hearing. “We’re already on daylight saving time eight months of the year.” According to the bill, t...
QUIET START--As this week begins, it was just at freezing in West Valley, but other than that, this past Sunday was mostly cloudy but there were even a few sun breaks, so that was nice. I understand the weather for the end of the week may be a bit more challenging and depending on where you are, you could even have some snow or icy conditions. If we do get some nastier weather, I hope folks will slow down as many of those accidents could have been avoided if they were driving for the current conditions and not the posted speed limits, which are...
THURSDAY Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Community Center, Cathlamet, 6-7:15 p.m. Learn to knit, crochet and mend, Sandra Sews, Community Center, Cathlamet, 10:30 a.m.-Noon. Walking Group, Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. S.A.I.L., Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, 12:45-1:45 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, The Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Fire Protection District No. 1 Commissioners, Fire Hall, 5:30 p.m. Fire District No. 4, 7 p.m....
A Special Thanks to Eagle Readers As long as I have been here I have done a lot of exploring on these old legs along many of the rivers as well as putting a lot of miles traversing the roads in the area. I also have spent many hours at various museums and doing my own research with books as well as use of the internet. Some of what I write about may be a bit redundant for some of you yet at the same time it can be informative or comical. I hope that what I write will bring fond memories that lift your spirit. My primary intent is to bring more...
Submitted by Superintendent Lisa Nelson On February 19, a special meeting was held at 5 p.m., prior to the regular meeting of the Naselle/Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors. Directors and teachers who work in the music and vocational departments toured the facility’s wing, which was constructed in 1957. The purpose of the meeting was to begin conversations around upgrades and modernization to the facility. Additional workshops are being planned for the future. At 6:30 p.m., the regular board meeting was called to order. In p...
The Wahkiakum High School first semester honor roll for the 2018-19 school year has been announced. The following students earned a 4.0 GPA: Kaden Anderson, Cory Grangroth, Emmi Grangroth, Elizabeth Leitz, Jake Leitz, Megan Leitz, Daniel Martin, Jansi Merz, Gabriel Moon, Hannah Musick and Nalani Schultz. 9th Grade: Margaret Ames, Henri Bassi, Wyatt Bruntmyer, Courtney Carlson, Juliah Clark, Elijah Cothren, Cooper Grasseth, Jerimyah Johnson, Landon Luce, Anthony Mellis, Cayden Mendez, Emerald Niemela, Sierra Tover, Colten Vik, Alexzandria...
Donald Ray Ostling, 74, of Longview, died Februry 14, 2019 at Hospice Care Center in Longview. He was born to Anton and Bernice Ostling on September 3, 1944 in Cathlamet. He graduated from Wahkiakum High School in 1962 where he enjoyed playing football, basketball and baseball. He joined the Army in 1965 and spent six years. In 1972 he married Barbara. He fished commercially for over 45 years on the Kenai Peninsula and the Columbia River, finishing his last season in the past summer. In 2009 Barbara preceded him in death. He was also preceded...
The New 1040 tax booklets and forms are available at Cathlamet Public Library. In addition, copies of other forms and publications can be downloaded and printed at the library or from home at The library is located at 115 Columbia Street, and open hours are Tuesdays through Saturdays from 2-5 p.m....
Wahkiakum County commissioners heard a plea for drainage work near Deep River, decided how to address the latest challenge to their dredging permit process and addressed other issues when they met Tuesday. Wirkkala Road resident Nick Nikkila expressed frustration with drainage issues that cause flooding in that neighborhood. Two culverts and tidegates on Wirkkala Road need to be replaced; they're failing and too small to handle drainage in heavy rain events. He showed a video of his vehicle ploughing through water to reach his driveway and his...
• Currently the death penalty is not valid per the state Supreme Court OLYMPIA (Feb. 15) The Senate passed a bill Friday to remove the death penalty from Washington state statute and replacing it with life in prison without parole. Senate Bill 5339 passed with 28 in favor, 19 opposed, with senators Phil Fortunado, R-Auburn and Lynda Wilson, R-Vancouver, excused. Republican senators Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake and Brad Hawkins R-Wenatchee, and sponsor Maureen Walsh, R-Walla Walla voted in support of the typically democratic bill. Democratic senat...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: February 11 — 12:25 a.m. An individual was taken into custody after a domestic disturbance at a Puget Island home. 10:21 a.m. A burglary was reported at an office west of Cathlamet. A gate was damaged and batteries and fuel were taken. 11:58 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided a Rosedale resident complaining of shortness of breath. 12:20 p.m. A deputy was asked to assist the Department of Corrections when t...
The Wahkiakum Fair horse gaming series had a series high point prize for 36 years and older/novice contestant class donated by the Meyer Family. This is a great prize consisting of one pair of sports boots, one pair of overreach boots, a fly mask, a hay bag and a rope halter and lead. So if you ride in the 36 and over or in the novice division, we now have a very nice series high point prize. Come out and ride. If you don't ride, come out and support the riders. For more information, contact Valerie Antijunti at or...