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The Snow: White-tail deer check out a nearby noise in Puget Island snow. Central and eastern Wahkiakum County dealt with snow last weekend; the Westend dealt with an ice storm. Photo by Rick Nelson. The Thaw: Snow still blanked Cathlamet streets on Monday, but the thaw had started. Photos by Andrew Weiler....
Because of roadway settlement from heavy rainfall, both directions of State Route 401, also known as Lewis and Clark Trail Highway, between Megler and Naselle are closed and will remain closed for an extended period of time. On Monday, for the safety of travelers Washington State Department of Transportation maintenance crews closed a single lane of the highway and monitored the situation overnight. By Tuesday, the roadway had shifted significantly and had deteriorated to the point of becoming a hazard, so crews closed the highway. “There is n...
Wahkiakum County commissioners received an annual report of tax refunds and approved a two-year county Capital Improvement Plan when they met Tuesday. Commissioners and staff also discussed the impact of last weekend's severe winter weather and frustrations in distribution of covid-19 vaccine for local use. Treasurer Tammy Peterson reported the tax refunds, which ranged in size from $3.85 to $6,559.85. Refunds for senior citizens totaled $9,665.79, and others were attributed to a segregation error, $3.85; manifest errors, $977.47; clerical...
On Tuesday, General Manager Dave Tramblie gave an overview of the utility’s response to this weekend’s winter storm at the Wahkiakum County PUD Board of Commissioner’s meeting. “The guys started at 11 p.m. on Friday night,” he said. “The other crew came out at about 2 a.m. on Saturday. At 3 a.m., we lost Bonneville. The guys responded to the substations and were told to wait for a Bonneville Power Administration switchman to arrive. I got there at 3:15 a.m., and in no uncertain terms I mad...
On Wednesday four more people in Wahkiakum County tested positive for covid-19, bringing the total to 87. According to the Washington Department of Health, 1,354 people have been tested, three people have been hospitalized, and 1,348 doses of the vaccine have been administered. In Cowlitz County, 4,072 people have tested positive for covid-19, with 121 cases considered active. They are attributing 47 deaths to covid-19. Pacific County was reporting 729 cases with 14 of those considered active....
By Theron Hobbs, Jr. ©2021 defines compassion as “a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.” The Black Panther Party was established in 1966, and their compassion for poor and hungry children would transform the way American public schools would ensure free meals for all children. This was done through the formation and implementation of their Free Breakfast for Children Program. In January of 1969, the Black Panther Party star...
To The Eagle: While researching germ transmission in 1897, German physician Carl Flugge measured how far bacteria laden spittle traveled from the mouths of volunteers. Six feet was determined to be the average. That figure remains the universal standard for adequate social distancing. In Sweden there are caution signs exhorting folks to “Please keep a distance the size of a small moose between yourselves and others.” Doctor Flugge was obsessed with hygiene. In his day there were few effective medicines to offer the sick beyond opium and qui...
To The Eagle: I would like to draw attention to our state’s current mask guidelines regarding sports. This guideline requires masks to be worn at all times with the exception of cross country who can pull theirs down after their race begins. I firmly believe we are putting our kids at a huge risk by requiring this. Per the CDC guidelines, it is also unsafe. CDC guidelines, in short, say if masks get wet or sweaty, they need replaced, they should not be worn with mouth guards and helmets, outdoors, there’s less need for them, indoors – venti...
To The Eagle: If there is anyone with a few active brain cells that thinks the presidential election was on the up and up, then I want to sell some land at the beach when the tide goes out. The leftist prolific letter writer to the editor on the Island should stop commenting about things he seemingly knows little to nothing about like God and common sense. The Democrats are at it again. How do you impeach someone from office that's not in office? Another hateful hit job by those leftist political pathological liars that proclaim their desire...
To The Eagle: The narrative now pushed by the MSM (Main stream media) that anyone questioning the transparency of the 2020 election is pushing the “big lie.” A persuasion technique used by the Nazi Party to make WWII and the Holocaust palatable to the German people. So, if you’re following this logic, folks like myself who think the 2020 election was less than transparent are, just like the Brown Shirts in fascist Germany, who torched Jewish businesses. Politicians’ and pundits’ careless use of terms “fascist” and “nazi” for anyone who disagr...
In an effort to improve kayakers' experience coming in and out of the Elochoman Slough Marina, Wahkiakum County Port 1 decided to provide an alternate place for them to enter and exit the water. The kayak launch has been moved away from the boat launch to the commercial dock, which can be accessed by the rock pit, and which will benefit Columbia River Kayaking, which sometimes guides kayak trips from the marina. "That will give them their own spot for staging," Commissioner Scott Anderson said....
Commissioners of Port District No. 2 on Tuesday selected Puget Island resident Allen Bennett to fill a vacancy on their three-person board of commissioners. Commissioners interviewed two candidates, Bennett and Mike Backman, also of Puget Island. Bennett is a retired geologist and comes off a 30-year career in the US Navy, Naval Reserve and private business. During his career, he worked with large port districts in the US and abroad, helping direct multi-million dollar budgets. As a port commissioner, he said he would want to promote the...
NOT NICE!--I'm pretty sure that our snow/sleet/wind event last weekend lasted much longer than a whole lot of people wanted it to, as while that first batch of snow is pretty, after that, it can just wind up being a real nuisance. Besides, when you add the freezing rain/sleet and the strong winds to it, then it's really not pleasant and as many people could attest to, it made for some very hazardous driving! Many folks in the Westend lost power for a long time, as they got a lot of ice and I was told that more than 100 trees came down! The one...
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, meetings and events usually listed here have been canceled or changed to online participation until further notice. The Eagle was advised of the following events: Online Recovery Meeting, Lower Columbia River Refuge Recovery. Mondays 6:30 p.m. Zoom ID 960 8413 9102. Community Center, Mon. 9-12 & 1-5. Tues-Thurs. 9-1. Friday by appointment. Cathlamet Library T-F 2-5 p.m. Covid restrictions enforced. Wahkiakum PUD, Tuesday, Feb 23, 8:30 a.m....
Cathlamet Public Library now has instruction books for 2020 tax forms, so both tax forms and instructions are available. Since the library is offering curbside delivery only, knock on the front door during open hours, Tuesdays-Saturdays between 2 and 5 p.m., and library staff will hand out what is needed. For questions call 360-795-3254 or email
THE MORNING AFTER: It's Monday morning after a rough, cold weekend. Ice storms are no fun, and that one was a beauty. I have been through those before in Haines, Alaska, with two small kids, as the branches on the birch trees were breaking and falling. Eventually the wind got stronger, and the trees, roots and all, came down around our house. You never forget those days, and I sure won't forget the last three days. I pray all of you, and your animals, are well and no property was damaged. I...
On Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m., and Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android from this link: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, call Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops are sponsored by Washington State University...
Submitted by Superintendent Lisa Nelson The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held monthly meetings on January 19 and February 16. On January 19, Principals Laine and Flood updated the board on the school educational programs for the K-12 school and the Youth Camp respectively. At the Youth Camp, teachers are serving one residential unit per day to keep students separated by their living arrangements. Students at the K-12 school are grouped into two groups to reduce interaction on a given day. The K-12 plans to have...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: February 7 — 3:22 p.m. A child accidentally dialed 911. 7:18 p.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided a Puget Island resident who may have had a stroke. February 8 — 6:47 a.m. The Grays River ambulance aided a Grays River resident who had fallen four days earlier and was now having chest pain. 8:03 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided a Cathlamet resident who was having chest pain and numbness in her lips and one arm...
This year marks the 75th anniversary of Wahkiakum VFW Post No. 5297, whose charter was signed on January 7, 1946, after young servicemen, who had returned to the community from foreign locales after World War II decided to form a local branch of the VFW, or Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Cathlamet resident Tom Irving, who is 98, was one of the charter members. “People wonder why there were so many of us,” Irving said. “We had people that worked down at the lumber mill and at the box facto...
Tsuga Gallery is honoring member Mike Rees, who passed away on December 13 in Seattle after a fall. The Cathlamet gallery is hosting a display of his photographs in their windows until the end of February. Rees was born in 1933, and grew up in London, England. He began his journey as an artist when he and a friend turned a shed behind their house into a dark room to process the black and white photos they had taken. In the early 1950's, an image that Rees had taken was accepted for a national...
, Summer months come to an end; children head back to school, but they've experienced summer learning loss and now require remedial education. Every year, teachers across the US say the first month of school after summer break usually is spent discovering what students have retained and reviewing what they’ve forgotten. This learning loss disproportionately affects students from lower income backgrounds, according to a 2016 American Education Research Association study. Substitute SB 5147 proposes a pilot program for four consecutive years a...
It's been a long wait for Wahkiakum athletes, but competition finally began again on Tuesday. The Lady Mules volleyball team made the most of their first outing, a home opener against Morton-White Pass, who were also playing their first game of the season. Wahkiakum won easily in three sets, 25-11, 25-7, and 25-15, according to Coach Kayli Hurley. Jansi Merz had nine kills, and Megan Leitz and Jordyn Watson added five kills apiece. MJ Neves had 15 assists. Arrow Rose served seven aces, and...
Hannah Musick wants to be a doctor. "That's the path," she said with certainty. She got hooked on the idea of medicine in eighth grade, and her passion for the notion has only grown. "Now I'm too stubborn to let it go," she said. Things come pretty easy to Hannah, and so she looks for academic challenges. After earning straight A's her sophomore year, she decided she needed more rigor, and signed up for Running Start, to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and an Associates Degree from...