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By Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife After several years of test operations, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Director Kelly Susewind announced April 28 that the department will begin the rulemaking process to designate the beach seine, purse seine, and pound net as an “emerging commercial fishery” on the lower Columbia River, opening these alternative gears for expanded study and use in the river. The emerging commercial fishery designation would allow Columbia River commercial license holders to apply for a permit to use...
The Columbia River spring Chinook fishery is scheduled to open for four days through mid-May, state fishery managers announced today. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) jointly manage the river through the Columbia River Compact process, which met Friday and laid out proposed fisheries for spring Chinook and sockeye. Anglers will be able to fish for spring Chinook on the river both above and below Bonneville Dam on May 5, 7, 9, and 13. Sockeye retention will open on a portion...
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced Thursday that razor clam digging will move ahead at Twin Harbors and Long Beach this weekend after tests revealed that shellfish from these coastal beaches are safe to eat. Testing conducted by the Washington Department of Health (WDOH) on Thursday showed domoic acid levels were low enough for the digs to go ahead, said Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish manager. "The health and safety of clam diggers is always our first concern, so we appreciate people's patience while we worked...
Anglers will have an opportunity to fish for spring chinook salmon in the lower Columbia River this Saturday (April 14) for one day only under an agreement reached Wednesday by fishery managers from Washington and Oregon. Fishing regulations will be the same as those in effect before the initial chinook fishery below Bonneville Dam closed April 7 for a fishery assessment. Under those rules, anglers can retain one adult hatchery chinook salmon as part of a daily limit of two adult fish that can also include hatchery coho salmon and hatchery...
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) on June 9 announced restrictions on summer steelhead fishing in the Columbia River Basin in response to projections of the lowest returns in 37 years. Fish managers expect that about 130,700 summer-run steelhead will return to the big river this year, the lowest number since 1980. The forecast is especially weak for wild steelhead returning to the Snake River and the upper Columbia above Priest Rapids Dam. To conserve those runs, WDFW plans to reduce daily catch limits, prohibit night...