Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 47
By Superintendent Lisa Nelson On Tuesday, September 20, the Naselle/GR Valley School Board had its first business meeting of the school year. One empty chair was immediately noticeable. Last spring, Chairman Chuck Hendrickson resigned from the Board after eight years of service and leadership. Superintendent Lisa Nelson acknowledged the loss by speaking of the hard work Chuck had done for the school and the board. Others on the board mentioned that his commitment to the school was extraordinary...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met Sept. 21. In personnel matters, the board approved a one-year leave of absence for April Zimmerman, para-educator. Resignations were acknowledged for Gregory Nelson, assistant girls’ basketball coach and Zara Ahlers, Naselle Youth Camp School secretary. Whitney Cooper, Victoria Corona, and Savannah Bowdish were hired as para-educators. Robert Eaton and Gregory Nelson (football), and Sylvia Hoagland (volleyball) were hired as coaches. In other matters of business, fuel bids w...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on August 17. In personnel matters, the Board acknowledged the resignations of Aldrich Smith, assistant boys’ basketball and baseball coach. The resignation of Amber Haataia, regular route bus driver, and the hire of Erick Campisi, regular route bus driver were approved. Other personnel matters included the resignation of Kayti Updike, middle school volleyball coach, and the hire of Kayti Updike, C-squad volleyball coach. The resignation of Russell Hickma...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board of directors met July 20. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignations of football coaches Jim Moten and Matthew Scrabeck. The board approved the hires of Rona Johnson, Charlene Hauge, pending background check, an extension of the contract for Justin Laine, interim principal, and Kellyn Hazen, interim intervention specialist/counselor. A resolution was approved for adopting the 2021-22 school year budget and salary amounts for certificated staff. Also approved were overnight travel...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board met Tuesday. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignations of teachers Brian Macy, Wendy Macy, and Kathryn Green. AJ Smith resigned his middle school football position to focus on his role as athletic director. Merlyn Cerkan, secretary, will also resign at the end of summer school at the Naselle Youth Camp. In other matters of business, the board approved a variety of student support contracts with ESD 112 for the 2021-22 school year, and the contracts of non-represented employees....
The Naselle/Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on May 18. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignations of Brian Macy, athletic director, Kathryn Green, assistant girls’ basketball coach, Andrea Pellervo, para-educator, and Rose Nisbet, head girls’ basketball coach. The board approved the hires of Andrea Pellervo, registrar/secretary, Kyle Higginbotham, middle school boys’ basketball coach, Kevin McNulty, head football coach, Aldrich Smith, athletic director, and a one year leave...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on April 20. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignations of Rachel Suomela, registrar, Robert Eaton, head football coach, Kathryn Green, middle school track coach, and Scott Smith, assistant track coach. Both Green and Smith tendered their resignations to accept new positions within the coaching ranks. In other matters of business, the board adopted four policies: Sexual Health Education, Equivalency Credit Opportunities, Student...
The Naselle/Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on March 16. In personnel matters, the board approved the hire of Scott Smith, head track coach and Kathryn Green, assistant track coach, along with Rick La Greide, as middle school track coach. Andrew Anderson was hired as a part-time groundskeeper. The board also approved the school calendar for the 2021-22 school year. The board conducted a first read of policies by the Washington State School Directors Association. These included Sexual Health...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board of Directors held its monthly meetings on Nov. 17 and Dec. 15. On Nov.17, the regular board meeting was preceded by a special workshop for the board to discuss the district’s upcoming ballot measure for renewal of its enrichment program and operations levy. At the workshop, the length of the levy proposal and amount were considered. Following the workshop, the board met for its regular meeting and approved a resolution to place a three-year proposal on the Feb. 9 ballot to collect $579,000 per y...
The Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on October 20. In personnel matters, the board approved the hire of Tawnya Steenerson, assistant cook. Policy 3122, Excused and Unexcused Absences, was also approved. The board declared a list of items for surplus and will sell these to the public after school districts have a chance to purchase them. Building goals and student learning objectives for the year were shared by the building principals, Mr. Flood and Mr. Laine. An overview was provided on how the first month of school had gone so far...
The Naselle/Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for a budget hearing on July 21 followed by a regular meeting to conduct the district’s business. The district's business manager presented the proposed budget for the coming school year with projected revenue of $7,749,759 and projected expenses of $7,852,05. The budget was subsequently approved. K-12 school enrollment was forecast at 284, with unknowns around enrollment because of the pandemic. Along with the budget presentation, the board reviewed its goals for the 2...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on March 20 in Middle School Commons. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignation of Robert Dalton, middle school track coach. The board approved the hire of David Blaylock and Ryley Queener as middle school track coaches. The board conducted a first read on policies regarding the Learning Assistance Program, Title I and Contracts. These were discussion items only, and if no concerns exist, they will be brought to the next board...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on February 20 in Middle School Commons. The board approved the hiring of Robert Baker as head track coach and Scott Smith as assistant track coach. The board acknowledged the resignation of Greg Nelson as middle school track coach. The board approved a one year extension of the superintendent’s contract. Other items of business that were approved included overnight travel for winter sports and activities, the acknowledgement of unsafe walk routes w...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on January 16 in Middle School Commons. The board approved Policy 2110, Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program and the purchase of 30 Chromebook computers with a supplemental grant from Gear Up funds that counselor Justin Laine and secretary Rachel Suomela had written. The board also adopted the Superintendent and Board Operating Principles for the 2017-18 school year. These principles guide the way in which the board and superintendent work...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on December 19 at the Grays River Fire Hall. During the board meeting, two personnel matters were approved. Robert Baker was hired as boys’ C-squad basketball coach, and Ryley Queener was hired as weight room supervisor. Amy Chadwick was sworn in to begin her term as school board member. Superintendent Lisa Nelson presented outgoing board member Bud Strange with an award and thanked him for providing leadership and guidance for the district over the p...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on November 21. During the board meeting, several personnel matters were addressed. A one-year leave of absence for coaching middle school girls’ basketball was granted for Rob Dalton. Russ Hickman and David Blaylock were hired as one-year leave replacement coaches for middle school girls’ basketball. In other matters, the board approved resolution No. 2017-11-21 to place a three-year educational programs and operations replacement levy on the Feb...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on October 17. During the board meeting, one personnel matter was approved. The board approved a one year leave of absence for Haleigh See from coaching middle school basketball. Also approved was the Facilities Committee Master Plan for the next three years. Youth Camp Principal Gary Flood provided an update on Youth Camp students graduating and earning their General Equivalency Diplomas (GEDs). The board heard three proposals for naming the new...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on September 19. During the meeting, several personnel matters were approved. The board approved the hire of Katherine Klinger, middle school volleyball coach and three para- educators in Davana Drake, Andrea Pellervo and Shana Kelly. In other business, the board approved the following policies: 1410 Executive Sessions, 3115 Homeless Students, 3116 Students in Foster Care, 3122 Student Absences, 3416 Medication at School, 3432 Student Emergencies,...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on August 15. During the regular board meeting, two personnel matters were approved. The board hired David Blaylock as middle school football coach and accepted the resignation of Haleigh See as middle school volleyball coach. Out of area teaching endorsements were also approved for the following teachers: Bruce, Hoagland, Hickman, Dalton, Macy, Smith, Shuang and Yu. The board and superintendent’s goals for the 2017-18 school year were approved, a...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on July 18. Before the regular meeting, a special meeting was held for a hearing on the proposed 2017-18 school operating budget. The board then completed a self-assessment and engaged in discussion around goals for the 2017-18 school year. During the regular board meeting, two personnel matters were approved. The board approved the hire of Travis Boggs, head cook, and Sylvia Hoagland, middle school volleyball coach on a one year leave replacement....
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on May 16. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignation of Deborah Disch, custodian and approved the hires of teachers Nathan Bruce and David Blaylock. The hire of bus driver Erick Campisi was also approved. In new business, out of area teaching endorsements for several teachers were approved along with supplemental teaching contracts for the Naselle Youth Camp summer program. The board also approved the use of school facilities and...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on April 18. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the following resignations effective at the end of August: Katie Bruce, para-educator, Larry Brignone, bus driver, Karl Smith, middle school football coach, and Scott Smith, teacher and coach. In other business, the board approved overnight travel for spring sports and activities, policy 3115 Homeless Students and accepted the receipt of a Gear Up federal grant in the amount of $13,500. The...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on February 21. Principal Quinn Donlon shared that the knowledge bowl team will be competing in the State Tournament on March 11 in Arlington. He also notified the board that both basketball teams are advancing to regional play and earned a second place finish at recent Southwest Class 1B District Basketball Championships. The eighth grade basketball team recently finished an undefeated season, and the 6/7th grade team lost just one game....
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on January 17. The board passed a resolution allowing the superintendent to negotiate a contract with Rognlin’s Inc. for construction of the multi-purpose building. Superintendent Nelson commended the work of Librarian, Cynthia Clark in applying for and receiving a $3,000 scholarship on behalf of author James Patterson. The money was used to purchase mostly non-fiction books. Through Clark’s hard work on the Patterson grant and the Scholastic Book Fai...
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on December 20. The board approved the following policies: 3120 Enrollment, 2190 Highly Capable, and 2020 Design, Selection and Adoption of Course Materials. Chuck Hendrickson was re-elected as board chairman, and Nick Nikkila remained as vice-chair. The board agreed to award a contract to Rognlins Inc. for construction of the multi-purpose building. Vocational Director Greg Nelson gave a report on the status of the vocational offerings at Naselle...