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Wahkiakum County seems to be quite the anomaly in these ‘times of Covid.’ Our low numbers of cases, our cooperation and our efforts are something to be proud of. Yes, there are stresses and changes. And yes, these are incredibly trying times for a lot of us. However, due to the efforts of so many people, one thing that I can tell you for sure, is that absolutely, under no circumstances, should any person in this county not have food. No matter who you are, where you live, there is free food waiting to go home with you. I would like to give a v...
I hope you are all enjoying your modified summer. Somehow it seems like time is going really slow to me. Usually summer is a blink and then it’s gone, but these breezy days, spent 6 feet apart from everyone has me feeling like I am in a time-warp. An update for the community regarding the Community Center: As you probably noticed, we are still closed to the public. As we move forward with opening, some changes and adjustments are being made including who will host it and what procedures will need to be followed in order to keep things safe for...
Have you read any good books lately? I have been trying to read more as a personal goal, but mostly to try and break up my slight attachment to technology. I’d like to hear what books you are reading- or what ways you tune out the technology. I like to have a few books going at the same time so I can make them last longer. I’ve been enjoying reading Irene Martin’s book Beach of Heaven, which is a fascinating read about the history of Wahkiakum county. Timothy Egans’ book Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher is about the epic life and immorta...
Health and wellness certainly have taken on a new shape and form in the past three months, eh? I’ve taken a lot of interest in noticing the daily reminders of how adaptable people truly are. When I take my son to daycare and I see all those little ones wearing masks, its very surreal. The women who run SJFC have done an incredible job at adapting and evolving with the care they provide. Knowing that the kids of today will tell their grandchildren about the Corona Virus pandemic back in 2020, is like something out of a movie. I know masks a...
The volunteers of the Summer Lunch program have completely blown me away. The outpour of folks willing to roll up their sleeves and make lunches for our kids is really something special. Our first week went great, and our numbers of meals are increasing. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this program, whether you donated money, helped secure emergency funds, donated food, donated time, organized, sanitized, made masks, or are physically making the food. Without this level of teamwork and civic service this could not be accomplished....
There is a lot happening right now, in the world, in our hearts and in our lives. I am certainly not a fortune teller, but I do have a sneaking suspicion that all this change is not only necessary, but also healthy. Some days it doesn’t seem that way, the heaviness of it all can be exhausting. However, as we move forward as a community, I’m watching a lot of people really step into their power and it’s a beautiful thing. OK folks, its official- Summer Lunch has begun! Not only do we have lunch, but we also have breakfast, GAP bags and garde...
Change is-a coming. Although we do not have a set date for reopening the community center yet, we are looking to open to the groups that utilize the center after hours, first. After we follow that guidance, our plans for reopening will follow. Enterprise for Equity is having a Money 101 personal Financial Management online class. Discuss budgeting, credit repair, home ownership, insurance, debt management and investing. This course is free, it runs June 23-July 9, Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-6 p.m. Participants will receive a $25 stipend for...
In the spirit of keeping things interesting while homeschooling or maybe just something new and foreign to spice up your vocabulary, here is a new word to tryout. Ganawenindiwag. It is the Ojibwe word for “they take care of each other.” We are still working to raise money for the Summer Lunch program this year. If you have the interest or ability to donate funds, you may do so by writing a check payable to Kiwanis/Outdoor Café 2020. You can send your donation to PO Box 515, Cathlamet, WA 98612. I am also still looking for more volunteers to h...
While doing some research, I came across an article on Dr. Yolanda Evans and social worker Erik Schlocker of Seattle Children’s Adolescent Medicine Clinic have recently compiled data and found that the “youth have indicated worsened mood and feelings of boredom and isolation, resulting in an increase in the misuse of prescription and non-prescription medicines, and alcohol and drug use as a way to cope.” This is a big deal, so I thought I would share some helpful considerations in order to keep teens safe as they spend...
Farmers markets, vegetables, summer lunches, oh my! These are welcome words in this uncertain time. Stay healthy, eat your veggies and help when you can: This is my personal mantra I am using for myself and my 6-year old. What is yours? The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides fresh fruit and vegetables by way of farmers market vouchers to eligible seniors, with the goal of improving their health and nutritional status. It also supports local farmers by increasing the use of farmers markets and roadside stands. Seniors, we...
To be of service is one of the most fulfilling aspects of civic life. At times, not everyone will find themselves in the position to help and sometimes those who didn’t need help, suddenly do. There is a balance within a community that is important to maintain, and this need for stability is most apparent when you look at the children of our county. Wahkiakum, I’m often challenging you to experiment with your food, health and limits. Today, I am challenging you to rise to this Call to Action: The summer meals program known as Outdoor Café need...
Have you hugged a tree lately? You may laugh, but I’m being quite serious. This might sound silly, but for huggers, this harrowing time of required distance can really do a toll on your dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a huge role inside our bodies and helps determine how we feel. Dopamine levels contribute to mood, sleep, focus, energy and memory to name a few. Right now, there is a wide array of feelings amongst individuals and families. Grief, anger, despair, frustration are all byproducts of this unknowing, and the...
I’ve been thinking about you all quite a bit. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I hope you have your needs met. I hope you have things to be grateful for and that laughter is finding its way to you during these quiet spring days. Today I have for you two recipes. One is for your heart/mind/body and the other is for your stomach. In this edition of Quarantine Cuisine, I present: Dream Cakes. Gourmet food doesn’t have to be expensive! Do you have stacks of canned salmon (or tuna or crab) in your doomsday closet? One great thing about canned...
Food security. These two little words can mean so much. As these unprecedented times quietly entangle with daily life in Wahkiakum, I realize that there are great differences amongst our community members. For some, self-isolation has been enjoyable thus far. For others, this is one of the hardest times they have ever faced. With sudden job loss and more meals being eaten at home, questions of “how long” and “what will we do” are not uncommon. If you are one of those people, I am speaking to you from the heart and from my own past experie...
This county is so impressive- from the helpers to the farmers, to the workers, the volunteers, the parents and the kiddos: Just in case nobody has called to tell you today- You are doing a great job. You matter. You are appreciated. You are loved. We are going to get through this, together. S.A.I.L. program members: your instructor has found a youtube class that will help you stay active and is relatively close to the normal class. A reminder from Sharon: “Keep your workouts up to twice a week so you don’t lose everything you have worked har...
I sat staring at the blinking bar on an empty document for about two hours before I could type anything. I was searching for the right words, but they don’t exist. Nothing can prepare a person for what is happening right now. As I listen to the news, read articles and watch speeches, I can’t help but feel totally stunned. I have pulsing urges to ‘stay at home’ followed immediately by ‘Go help!’- constantly bouncing back and forth between hermit and warrior. I remember living through the confusion of 9/11 and the pain it wrought on the world....
In order to be proactive about the current situation, the Community Center will be closed until further notice. We will keep you posted as we learn more. Local restaurants will be doing take out orders and they are doing a great job at keeping up morale and making delicious food. The Hope center will not be hosting senior lunch or fitness club, but you can contact Denise at 360-425-3430 ext 259 at the CAP office and arrange to pick up senior lunches in a drive-by manner. AA meetings at the Hope Center are canceled. As we get through this...
According to Webster’s the definition of self-care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. Self-care has a medical history that dates to the 50’s. Prior to the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, these patients were usually mentally ill and elderly people who required long-term care and otherwise had little autonomy. It wasn’t until the rise of the women’s movement and the civil rights movement that self-care became a political act. Women and people of color viewed controlling their health as a corrective...
After a tiny sabbatical from the paper, I’m happy to be back. I enjoy these Thursday opportunities to be a part of your day. Lots happening everywhere, so don’t blink. Much to my chagrin, The Key Influencer campaign has been picking up speed, with a positive buzz. The tag line, “You are the most powerful influence in your child’s life,” holds a lot of weight and I’m enjoying the conversations I get to have with folks in town about it. Lock Boxes designed to keep cannabis products out of the hands of our youth, are still available to any pare...
It is officially the day after The Holiday, you made it. Did you handle it like a North Pole Elf-Boss? Did you receive a miracle? Were you surprised by a kindness that was unexpected? Did you connect with people you love? Are you exhausted, broke and traveling home in a crowded airplane? Take a deep breath, close your eyes and become mindful of your surroundings. This season of unity and connection lays the ground for interaction and gives us an opportunity to put mindfulness in motion. Simple and repeated practice of awareness can give...
The new year is time when a lot of people set goals; a resolution to themselves to improve some facet of their life. As those of you who read my column already know, I am a huge proponent of taking what you have and making it better. Health, well-being, stress management, mindfulness, social equity, and physical fitness, to name a few, all go hand in hand with my line of work in the prevention field. My goal is to be a source of information to support your well-being, focusing on every aspect of wellness. Since it is almost 2020, I think maybe...
As a recent transplant to this county, I find myself still becoming accustomed to the weather nuances. It’s enjoyable to me to learn what others consider ‘winter’. I can count quite a few benefits to having a wet winter over a snow filled one, but I can’t stop dreaming of the magic of waking up, looking outside and seeing that white blanket of snow. Ninety five miles south of Lake Erie, where I grew up, is technically on the outskirts of the famous Snowbelt. I remember the blizzard of ‘93 and how my 7-year-old self-thought the entire world mus...
Have you ever wanted to give crocheting a try? Or maybe knitting? Do you have a favorite pair of jeans that you can no longer wear in public due to a massive rip in the rear? Sandy Sews is an ongoing sewing group that is open to everybody, every Thursday 10-12. For those that prefer to use a sewing machine, we have large tables to spread out on. Bring that sweater project that you haven’t worked on lately, or come with a question about a stitch, Sandy’s experience and patience will give you the confidence you need to create something bea...
Driving home after a lovely day at Johnson Park last week, I became flooded with memories of past holidays; who was there, who made dinner, who has since passed on and the new additions of people to call family. I couldn’t help but think of my grandma, she was exceptional at making any holiday special, but Thanksgiving was her favorite. This cable of thoughts and emotions combined with the golden-gloom of SR-4 and the holidays approaching-prompted me to focus on Gratitude. Disclaimer: Men, please do not lose your hat, as your time of a...
Perspective is an important aspect to life, and it can be the tool to smooth over uncomfortable lumps of misunderstanding. To some, the holidays are an exciting time filled with food, family functions and abundant joy. To others, it can be painful, lonely and even depressing. With this divide, in my humble observation, I think it’s imperative to have compassion and understand both sides of the coin. In short, if you know somebody who may be feeling pain, loneliness or despair -- perhaps you have room at your table. If you are alone and in p...