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Early spring is a time for dreaming… and making a list of seeds to order… and planning. And making a list of projects to be done by planting time like building another raised bed or a pea trellis. While the rains are coming sideways and the days are still cool, sitting in your favorite chair pouring over seed catalogs (with a cup of tea and paper and pencil in hand) is a great way to while away the hours. Reading a seed catalog is much more fun than standing in front of seed racks in some store. Not that those seeds are not good&h...
Ah, New Year's Day is behind us but it’s not too late to make resolutions or work toward completing those already made. One of my resolutions is to read a couple of good books. Winter is an ideal time to read books that will enrich my mind and give me diverse ideas that I can mull over when I get too busy in the summer to read. I am more inclined to read books about food than novels. I like to learn more about industrial farming, sustainable agriculture, and our political food history. There is much to learn about the social, ethical and e...
There is a lot of talk these days, urging us to ‘join a short food chain’, meaning to eat food grown as close to home as possible. There are studies showing that food that has traveled hundreds of miles from farm to your plate has fewer nutrients than those you can purchase from your local farmers. Better yet, you can grow at least some of your own food. The work of growing your own food contributes to your health long before you sit down to eat it. Still, many of us do not have enough land to grow a substantial garden, yet most of us have eno...