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A draft report to northwest governors on Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program costs in 2017 was released in early May for review by the public, with the total program costs coming in at $450.4 million, about 18 percent of the Bonneville Power Administration’s power business line costs of $2.465 billion, and accounting for about one-third of the agency’s wholesale power rate. The Northwest Power and Conservation Council at its May meeting in Boise agreed to release the “2017 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Costs Report” for pu...
Spring chinook salmon fishing begins today (Thursday) for recreational anglers in the lower Columbia River and two weeks later upstream of Bonneville Dam. The two-state Columbia River Compact made that decision at its hearing Feb. 21 in Portland. It also decided to open recreational angling for salmon in lower river select areas and tweaked Treaty commercial white sturgeon gillnetting, adding one day in the John Day pool and 9.5 days in The Dalles pool. In both pools, sturgeon fishing ends March 3. Based on a pre-season run-size forecast of...
Pound nets or fish traps used to capture large numbers of salmon were outlawed on the Columbia River in 1936, over 80 years ago, largely due to massive harvests of salmon and steelhead when using the gear. So why has a Northwest nonprofit been testing the fish traps just upstream of Cathlamet for the last two years? That’s because the fish traps are more selective than commercial gillnets and, according to 2016 and 2017 testing, result in an immediate survival rate for released fall chinook salmon of over 99 percent. The more selective method o...