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This is the fourth part of my disaster preparedness series, and this week I am going to discuss how you can "GET INVOLVED." In the face of emergencies and disaster, Americans come together with courage, compassion and unity and ask, "How can I help?" There are many ways to get involved, especially before a disaster occurs. Each resident can participate in activities to make their families, homes and communities safer and more prepared. The formula for ensuring a safer and more resilient community consists of volunteers that are trained and...
This is the third part of a disaster preparedness series and this week I am going to discuss the components you will need to "Build a Kit." A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. You should try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment's notice and don't forget to take these essentials with you. You may need to survive on your own after an emergency for an extended period of time. This means having your own food, water...
Department of Emergency Management (DEM) The Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Disaster Preparedness & NOAA Weather Radio Month. It is my goal to make Wahkiakum County and its residents as prepared and ready as possible for a disaster through preparation and public education. Each of the coming weeks in October, I am going to provide you with information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. By taking these...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Disaster Preparedness and NOAA Weather Radio Month. It is my goal to make Wahkiakum County and its residents as prepared and ready as possible for a disaster through preparation and public education. In each of the coming weeks in October, I am going to provide you with information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. By taking these steps now, it will make you and y...
Last Saturday, the Wahkiakum County Search and Rescue (SAR) conducted a joint training with Cowlitz County SAR on US Coast Guard (USCG) helicopter operations. This was a wonderful opportunity for our local responders to conduct actual hands on training with the USCG. The training began with the arrival of the new USCG J-hawk helicopter. The helicopter is stationed out of Astoria and had no problem finding a good landing site at the Hancock Forest Management sorting yard near Cathlamet. The rescu...
This is the fourth part of my disaster preparedness series, and this week I am going to discuss how you can get involved. In the face of emergencies and disaster, Americans come together with courage, compassion and unity and ask, “How can I help?” There are many ways to get involved, especially before a disaster occurs. Each resident can participate in activities to make their families, homes and communities safer and more prepared. The formula for ensuring a safer and more resilient community consists of volunteers that are trained and inf...
This is the third part of the disaster preparedness series and this week I am going to discuss the components you will need to “Build a Kit.” A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. You try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and don’t forget to take these essentials with you. You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water and other supplies in suffici...
October is Disaster Preparedness & NOAA Weather Radio Month. I am going to provide you with information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. By taking these steps now it will make you and your family more prepared during and after an everyday emergency or a large scale disaster. This week I am going to discuss some important components for your Family Communications Plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to plan in advance: How you will get to...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Disaster Preparedness & NOAA Weather Radio Month. It is my goal to make Wahkiakum County and its residents as prepared and ready as possible for a disaster through preparation and public education. Each of the coming weeks in October I am going to provide you with information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. By taking these steps now it will make you and your f...
Wahkiakum County Emergency Management is seeking victims (role players) to take part in an upcoming full scale exercise for our local emergency responders. The exercise will take place on Friday, August 26 from 10 a.m. to about 6 p.m., at 500 S Third St., Cathlamet. All role players must be at least 18 years old. Prior to this event you will be moulaged. This is the craft of making you look realistically injured. We have several talented moulage artists that will make you look as if you have any or all of the following: Broken bones, burns and...
TEST OF THE EMERGENCY COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM I would like to start by thanking our community for taking part in the annual countywide test of the Emergency Community Notification System(ECNS). I initiated the system Monday evening with great success. If you did not receive this call you may need to register your number. All hard wired landline telephone numbers are automatically added to the system. It is VERY IMPORTANT for all residents to register their V. O. I. P. (Internet based) and/or cellular telephones by visiting the DEM website...
Our local PUD has taken great care in making sure our power stays on, but they have no control over Mother Nature. After a significant natural disaster like a severe earthquake it could take an extended amount of time for our power to be restored to all residents. There are steps you can take in advance of a power outage to insure you and your family are safe and comfortable. • If someone in your household has life-sustaining or medically necessary equipment you should register it with the PUD. • Consider buying a generator. When installing a g...
I am excited to announce that I will be offering a community disaster preparedness class on October 20 at Johnson Park in Rosburg from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and one on October 27 from 6:30-8:30 p.m., located at the River Street Meeting room in Cathlamet. To reserve your seat call Beau at 795-3242 or 465-2202 This is the fourth part of my disaster preparedness series and this week I am going to discuss how you can “GET INVOLVED.” In the face of emergencies and disaster, Americans come together with courage, compassi...
S This is the third part of the disaster preparedness series and this week I am going to discuss the components you will need to “Build a Kit.” A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. Try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take these essentials with you. You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. It is my goal to make Wahkiakum County and its residents as prepared and ready as possible for a disaster through preparation and public education. During the month, I am going to provide information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit and Get Involved. By taking these steps NOW it will make you and your family better prepared during and after an e...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergancy Management (DEM) is happy to announce that September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. It is my goal to make Wahkiakum County and its residents as prepared and ready as possible for a disaster through preparation and public education. Each of the coming weeks, I am going to provide you with information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit and Get Involved. By taking these steps now it will make you and your family more prepared d...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. Each week in October I have discussed a different aspect of how you and your family can become more prepared for disasters or emergencies. I would like to start by thanking our community for taking part in the “Second Annual County Wide Test of the Emergency Community Notification System (ECNS)”. I initiated the system Monday evening with great success. If you did not receive this...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergancy Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. Each week in October I am discussing a different aspect of being prepared. This week I am going to discuss the second component of being prepared “Creating a Plan” and an upcoming test of the Emergency Community Notification System (ECNS). Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes, so it is important to plan in advance: how you will get to a safe place; how you will...
Submitted by Beau Renfro County Emergency Management Director The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergancy Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. There are three primary components to being ready for an emergency or disaster: Be informed, Create a Plan, and Build a Kit. This week I would like to talk about the first component which is “Being Informed” and an upcoming National Weather Service (NWS) Weather spotter class. Our county has five primary ways of getti...
Submitted by Beau Renfro County Emergency Management Director Dubbed the Great Washington ShakeOut, an exciting statewide earthquake drill is scheduled for 10:16 a.m. today (Thursday). The effort is designed to emphasize the importance of emergency preparedness at home, school, and the workplace. More than 830,000 Washington residents have signed up for the event. State officials hope the exercise involves more than 1 million participants in Washington. Washington residents can register for the drill at I...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month and NOAA Weather Radio Awareness Month. Each of the remaining weeks in October, I plan on discussing a different aspect of how you and your family can become more prepared for emergencies or disasters. I will be discussing topics like a county wide test of the Emergency Community Notification System and an upcoming Weather Spotter class. This week I would like to discuss an exciting s...
October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month, and each week I have discussed a different aspect of how you and your family can become more prepared for disasters or emergencies. This week I would like to start by thanking our community for taking part in the first county wide test of the Emergency Community Notification System (ECNS). I initiated the system Sunday evening with great success. If you did not receive this call you may need to register your number. All hard wired landline telephone numbers are automatically added to the...
Each week in October I am discussing a different aspect of being prepared. This week I am going to discuss the third component “Build a Kit”. A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. Try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take essentials with you. You will probably not have time to search for the supplies you need or shop for them. You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means...
Editor's note: Beau Renfro is the Wahkiakum Co. Emergency Management Coordinator. The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. Governor Jay Inslee proclaimed October, Washington State Disaster Preparedness month and urged residents to take appropriate actions to prepare for future emergencies. The proclamation also includes a statewide drop, cover, and hold earthquake drill. The drill, dubbed the Great Washington ShakeOut, is s...