The Wahkiakum County Eagle is a weekly newspaper, printed Thursdays, with an average circulation of 1,600 per week. Primary circulation is in Wahkiakum County and the Naselle area of southeastern Pacific County.
We appreciate our advertiser's business! We are here to help in any way that we can with advertising your goods, services or events. Please contact us with any question about advertising at 360-795-3391 (fax 360-795-3983) or by emailing
Advertising Rates:
Contract discounts available - please contact us for details.
Display ads - $7.10 per column inch
Business directory ads - $7.10 per column inch
Legals, commercial classifieds - (Call for pricing)
Inserts - starting at $120 per edition
Classifieds - 23 cents per word
Online ads - call for details
Our advertising deadline is 4 p.m Tuesdays.