The US Army Corps of Engineers large lower Columbia River ports are hosting a series of open house-style public scoping meetings to gather input for an update of their 20-year shipping channel maintenance plan.
The last of those meetings will be held next Thursday, Oct. 19, 4-7 p.m., at the Norse Hall (444 SR 409) on Puget Island. The public is invited to attend and:
--Learn about the navigation channel, its use and planning for its future;
--Learn about the Corps' and sponsor ports' roles in this project;
--Learn about the National Environmental Policy Act, the State Environmental Policy Act and the environmental impact statement (EIS) process, and
--Submit written input on what to consider in the environmental review.
According to the Corps website (, in partnership with the sponsor ports and with input from other stakeholders and the public, the Corps will determine the best management plan for upland and in-water dredged material placement, evaluate ways to reduce dredging requirements and consider impacts to the natural resources of the lower Columbia. The Corps and sponsor ports will evaluate alternatives and environmental effects in a joint environmental impact statement and select the preferred management plan based on this analysis.
For more information, see://
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