Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone

Skamokawa News

COLD ENOUGH?--We were happy to have the big wind and rain event here subside, and bright, clear, starry skies return with some sunny days to boot. However, the plunging temperatures were not to my liking and much colder than predicted, so while some hovered in temperatures at the freezing mark, out here in West Valley, we plummeted down into the teens-brr! Needless to say, this caused some extra angst just before the holiday weekend and made for some sleepless nights as we worked to keep water pipes from freezing and our homes nice and toasty!

By the time you read this, you may have read the weather alert that is out, or at least it was when I wrote this, that extremely cold temperatures and windy conditions may really hit our area, making it colder than it already has been. So I do hope you are all stocked up, stay bundled up and if you're traveling over the holiday, be extremely careful and keep your vehicles stocked with emergency items which you might need in case you get stuck in traffic or alongside the road. Here's to a safe holiday for everyone!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Nov. 25-Dec. 2 are Danny Silverman, Matt Helms II, Dana Montgomery, Cindy Montgomery, Don Ross, Joe Teachman, Sarah Clark, Linda Ostervold, Butch Owen, Terri Slape, Mark Slape, Samantha Wright, Mike Paulsen, Tricia Coleman, Jace Gibson, Jennifer Hoven, Shane Souvenir, Dominac Diaz, Trace Tarabochia, J.R. DeBriae, Hank Ferguson, Nancy Good Garcia, Robert Kyle and Kevin Palmer. Here's to wonderful birthday celebrations for all of you!

Those celebrating anniversaries are Rick and Jenny Benfit, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCormack. Here's hoping those anniversary doings are super special for you this coming week.

TURKEY TIME--Yes indeed, it's time to stuff that turkey, make those pumpkin pies, remember to buy the cranberry sauce and create all those extra special dishes that make your Thanksgiving dinner so special. At our house, it's the mashed potatoes that the grandsons seem to enjoy, so that makes my job pretty easy! We hope all of you are going to meet up with either friends or family for this Thanksgiving Day and enjoy this holiday weekend to the fullest. Remember, if you don't want the holidays to be like they've always been...(aka full of cooking)....then head down to Skamokawa and eat at the Duck Inn!

EARLY--David and Connie Shrum were the host and hostess for an early Thanksgiving dinner, featuring a fresh smoked turkey this year, and that was enjoyed along with friends, John and Mary Gustafson and Bill and Kay Chamberlain. The early gathering was due to David having to work on Thanksgiving Day, so the group had to meet up a bit early, but nobody seemed to mind! As always, with good food and some great conversations, along with some great football, well, a "good time was had by all!"

BIG WEEKEND--For several of our merchants there will be special doings this coming weekend and two big ones are happening here in Skamokawa. The Redmen Hall will be all decked out in its holiday finery, with special appearances by various musicians and authors and of course, lots of items from local artisans. There is something for everybody on your Christmas list, so be sure to stop by and check them out starting Friday.

Gribskov Glassblowing is having their two day sale at 123 Middle Valley Road on Nov. 27 and 28, so be sure to check out the fantastic handblown items that have been created by artist, Kyle Gribskov. His hours are 10 to 5 those two days.

CALENDAR--If you happen to be going to the tree lighting in Cathlamet on Saturday, which begins with caroling at 4:30 at the courthouse steps and then Santa around 5, then you can stop by the Tsuga Gallery for their holiday gathering between 5 and 7 p.m., and check out those new calendars I mentioned a couple weeks ago. These are great desk calendars and feature various parts of our county, with photos taken by Mike Rees and Judy Vandermaten who are donating some of the proceeds back to the community, so it's a win-win situation for everybody. If you don't find them there, then you can check out Redmen Hall. There will be other area merchants open that evening as well, so here's hoping you are able to take part in the big evening there and do a little local shopping.

Remember, several of our Skamokawa folks have their businesses or their crafts/items for sale in Cathlamet, as well as Skamokawa, so we hope you'll support them. Carla Keilwitz has the Video Store up on the highway in Cathlamet, and Ginger Schmitz and Jake have Sharon's Pizza & More, which would both gladly sell you gift certificates for the holiday, and Becky Ledtke has jewelry for sale at the Pharmacy as well as Redmen Hall and in Naselle at Appelo's, and Treasure Collupy has some of his glass items at the Pharmacy for sale too, so think of them when you're doing your shopping this year.

SYMPATHIES--We were certainly saddened to hear of the passing of Rodney Prestegard of Puget Island on November 17. Our sympathies to his wife and other family members. His services will be held on Dec. 5, noon, at the multi-purpose room, JW Elementary School.

Belated sympathies are extended to Bernadette Goodroe and her family as her husband, David, passed away recently. He had been an active member of the community and will be missed.

COMING SOON--The first Saturday of December will be the last flea market of the year at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds so keep that date in mind, as there are mulitple vendors as well as the fair's flea market items.

At the Norse Hall on Puget Island, your little ones are invited to come and see Santa, decorate a cookie or do some coloring at the Sons of Norway's annual Children's Christmas party which will be held on Sunday, Dec. 6 from 2 to 4 p.m. The kids can all enjoy a cookie or two and a splash of punch to boot!

MAIL EARLY--It doesn't seem possible but come Tuesday, we'll be into December--yikes! If you are sending any cards or packages out of the country, be advised that these first few days of December are said to be an excellent time to mail them so that they make it to their destination in time for Christmas. It is hoped that you'll make somebody's day by sending out a Christmas card or two to those who might not get one, or to one who would really enjoy one. So here's to all those folks who still take the time to send out a card full of well wishes for the holiday season and to wish others well as we begin a new year pretty soon!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!


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