To The Eagle:
I am writing to clarify aspects of your coverage of the Town Council’s LNG “debate” published in The Eagle’s 12/24 issue.
First, my position is that the Town of Cathlamet should monitor the ongoing negotiations between Wahkiakum County and NorthernStar, the Texas-based organization that plans to construct a LNG facility several miles from Cathlamet -- not become a signatory to any agreement they might make.
Second, we must stay well-informed because the issues under negotiation could potentially impact our town’s waterfront, require zoning changes and render our 2006 Master Plan obsolete. Given that, it seems appropriate for town leaders, including the mayor and council members, to monitor developments proactively so as not to be caught off guard.
Third, we must recognize that some town leaders are already involved in LNG-related activities. Fred Johnson, Cathlamet’s deputy fire chief, said in last week’s meeting that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement with NorthernStar. He also said that members of the town’s fire department, with NorthernStar’s help, have over the past three years undergone LNG fire training. And Councilor David Goodroe, the current Executive Director of the Lower Columbia Economic Development Council, said at the meeting that the LCEDC has for several years discussed with NorthernStar and other parties a plan to base armed escort/security vessels in the Elochoman Marina and place LNG escort tugboats elsewhere on Cathlamet’s waterfront. He also suggested that the LCEDC’s planned business incubator – a facility previously touted as a potential base for small-scale manufacturing and IT – might welcome warehousing to support LNG operations across the river.
The strongest policies are forged in the light of day. Should our Town Council opt for LNG-related industrialization, and do so after serious debate and thorough public discussion, then that will be its decision. My personal position is that I am against NorthernStar’s LNG proposals. But as mayor, my constitutional duty is to assure that we make policy in accordance with the state’s Open Public Meeting Act, never stray outside the bounds of state and federal laws, and operate with the utmost transparency and minimal secrecy.
George Wehrfritz,
Town of Cathlamet
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